
Neo-Eneoliticul în Oltenia. Hărțile Arheologice (Neo-Eneolithic in Oltenia. Archeological maps)


Neo-Eneoliticul în Oltenia. Hărțile Arheologice (Neo-Eneolithic in Oltenia. Archeological maps)


On the geographical map of Europe, Romania is between 43 degrees 37'07 "and 48 degrees 15'06" north latitude and between 20 degrees 15'44 "and 29 degrees 41'24" east longitude and is located right in the temperate climate area. Oltenia knows in the Eneolithic period a diversity of cultural events that are the result of some populations of south of the Danube origins. The territory where they settled and developed is a favorable one. Bordered in the north by the massifs: Mehedinti, Vâlcan, Parang, Căpăţânii and Cozia from the Southern Carpathians, Oltenia steps down in smooth lines from the highest area represented by the Subcarpathians of Oltenia towards the lower region in the Danube meadow. For understanding the geology of the area where is evolving Salcuta Culture is sufficient the analysis of the Danube Gorge area where can be observed the geological past of the whole region. The geological period to which we refer is the Holocene. It is characterized by fluctuating periods with warm and long summers (4200-4000, 2050-1700 BP), cold and short summers (4000-3900, 3700-3400, 3300-2100 BP), with dry summers (3900-3700, 3000-2900 B.P), rainy summers (4500-4200, 3350-3000, 2900-2150 B.P). By its geographical position Oltenia is located on a corridor that is bound in its Southern part binds by a similar area of Bulgaria made of rivers Struma–Isker-Maritza. This geographical reality has allowed cultural connections with the southern Balkans area, with Macedonia, Epirus, Anatolia and the Aegean islands, leading to an exceptional cultural development. In the Neolithic period Oltenia is not only an interference area of cultural currents from the south, east and west, but also a link, a bridge between prehistory civilizations from the south of the Danube in the Balkan-Aegean-Anatolian space and those from the north of the Carpathians in Transylvania and the Hungarian Plain.

The early Eneolithic, period ranging chronologically between cca.5000-4000 BC., captures in Oltenia region elements of Vinča cultural communities, evolutionary phase Vădastra and Boian (xxx Istoria Românilor 2001: 148). These cultures are followed by the entry of new groups of populations namely Gumelnita culture communities in evolutionary phase Gumelniţa B1 and which are original from the area of Wallachia. Settlements are attested in the points of Cârcea Commune; Dobreşti Commune, Dolj County, Commune Dobrosloveni-Reşca; Commune Fărcaşele-Sat Fărcaşu de Sus; Commune Mărunţei-Bălăneşti; Commune Spineni-Profa; City Drăgăneşti-Olt, Olt County (C. N. Pătroi 2013: 28).

We are now in the developed period of Eneolithic cca.4600/4500 - 3800/3700 BC. The stratigraphy discovered in various sites in Oltenia that had a long existence in the Neo-Eneolithic shows that for the late Eneolithic period in this area have developed communities known as Sălcuţa. To capture more clearly their characteristic features the proposed analysis will be reported to micro zones: Eastern Oltenia and Western Walachia, Central Oltenia, Western Oltenia and Eastern Banat, and other similar issues in the neighboring territories. Chronologically, the time when Sălcuţa Culture is evolving is that of the neo glacier period (5000-2000 BC). It should also be noted that the sea level was 20m below the current one in the period before 6300 B.C., which allowed a connection between the Aegean islands and Europe as well as with Western Anatolia which facilitated the contacts between populations. Although the number of discoveries is quite consistent, systematic research has been carried out in few settlements in Oltenia: Salcuta ,,Piscul Cornișorului,, Verbicioara, Cerăt, Șimnic, Curmătura, Gârlești-Ghercești, Dolj County, Ostrovul Corbului, Almăjel, Valea Anilor, Mehedinţi County, Drăgăneşti-Olt ,,Corboaica,, Slatina ,,Strehareț,,, Brebeni, Olt County. The obtained information shall be supplemented with those from the systematic research of Banat from Baile Herculane "Peștera Hoților,,", Caraş-Severin, County.

Cultura Starčevo–Criş: Com. Breznița-Ocol; Com. Burila Mare, Sat Crivina. 1; Com. Burila Mare, Sat Izvoru Frumos. 1; Com. Burila Mare, Sat Izvoru Frumos. 2; Com. Burila Mare, Sat Izvoru Frumos. 3; Com. Burila Mare, Sat. Vrancea. 1; Com. Burila Mare, Sat. Vrancea. 2; Com. Burila Mare, Sat. Vrancea. 3; Sat Căpățânești, Com. Broșteni; Com. Corlăţel, Sat Drăgaica; Com. Devesel, Sat Batoţi. 1; Com. Devesel, Sat Batoţi. 2; Com. Devesel, Sat Scăpau.1; Com. Devesel, Sat Scăpau.2; Com. Devesel, Sat Tismana; Sat Drăgaica, Com. Corlăţel; Com. Dubova. 1; Com. Dubova. 2; Com. Dubova. 3; Com. Dubova. 4; Com. Dubova. 5; Com. Dubova, Sat Plaviseviţa; Com. Eşelniţa. 1; Com. Eşelniţa. 2; Com. Eşelniţa. 3; Cartier Gura Văii, Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin; Com. Hinova, Sat Ostrovu Corbului.1; Com. Hinova, Sat Ostrovu Corbului.2; Sat Ostrovu Mare. 1, Com. Gogoşu; Sat Ostrovu Mare. 2, Com. Gogoşu; Ostrovu Simian (insula), Com. Simian; Com. Pristol; Com Robănești, Sat Bojoiu; Com. Şimian. 1; Com. Şimian. 2; Com. Şimian. 3; Com. Şvinita. 1; Com. Şviniţa. 2; Com. Com. Şviniţa. 3; Com. Şviniţa. 4; Com. Vlădaia, Sat Almăjel; Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin, Cartier Gura Văii. 1; Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin, Cartier Schela Cladovei. 1; Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin, Cartier Schela Cladovei. 2; Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin, Cartier Schela Cladovei. 3; Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin, Insula Ostrovu Banului. 1; Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin, Insula Ostrovu Banului. 2; Oraș Orșova (Judeţ Mehedinţi); Com. Almăj; Sat Amărăşti, Com. Fărcaşu; Cartier Banu Mărăcine, Municipiul Craiova; Sat Basarabi, Oraş Calafat; Oraş Bechet; Com. Bistreţ; Sat Bobeanu, Com. Drăgoteşti; Sat Bojoiu, Com Robăneşti; Com. Carpen, Sat Cleanov; Sat Căciuleşti, Com. Dobreşti; Com. Cârcea. 1; Com. Cârcea. 2; Com. Cerăt; Oraş Craiova; Sat Curmătura, Com. Giurgiţa; Sat Damian, Com. Sadova; Com. Daneţi, Sat Locusteni; Com. Drăgotești. 1; Com. Ghercești; Sat Golenţi, oraş Calafat; Sat Gubaucea, Com. Vela ; Sat Padea, Com. Drănic; Sat Pârşani, Com. Pieleşti; Com. Robănești, Sat Lăcriţa Mică; Com. Sălcuţa; Com. Terpeziţa, Com. Şimnicu de Jos. 2; Com. Verbiţa; Com. Verbiţa, Sat Verbicioara. 1; Com. Verbiţa, Sat Verbicioara. 2; Oraş Calafat, Sat Basarabi;(Judeţ Dolj); Comuna Brastavăţu, Sat Cruşovu 1; Com. Brebeni; Cartier Cireaşov, Oraş Slatina; Com. Deveselu; Com. Dobrosloveni; Sat Frăsinet, Com. Vlădila; Com. Grădinile. 1; Com.Gradinile.2; Com. Ipoteşti; Com. Mărunţei, Sat Comani; Com. Milcov, Sat Stejaru. 1; Com. Studina 1; Com. Studina 2; Sat Ulmii; Com. Verguleasa; Sat Vădastra, Comuna Vădastra; Oraș Drăgănești–Olt; Oraş Slatina; Oraş Slatina, Sat Sărăcesti;(Judeţ Olt); Sat Boroșteni, Com. Peştişani; (Judeţ Gorj); Com. Bujoreni; Oraş Drăgăşani; Com. Mihăeşti, Sat Negreni; Com. Mihăeşti, Sat Govora. 1; Com. Mihăeşti, Sat Govora 2; Com. Mihăeşti, Sat Stupăreni; Sat Olteni, Com. Bujoreni; Com. Scundu; Oraş Râmnicu Vâlcea, 1; Oraş Râmnicu Vâlcea, 2; Oraş Râmnicu Vâlcea, 3; (Judeţ Vâlcea).

Cultura Vinča: Com. Dubova; Com. Gârla Mare; Com. Gogoşu, Sat Balta Verde; Com. Gogoşu, Sat Ostrovu Mare; Com. Hinova; Com. Hinova, Sat Ostrovu Corbului; Ostrovu Banului (insula), Drobeta Turnu Severin; Cartier Schela Cladovei, Oraş Drobeta Turnu Severin; Ostrovu Șimian (insula), Com. Șimian; Com. Pristol; Com. Salcia; Com. Şvinita; Com. Vlădaia, Sat Almăjel; (Judeţ Mehedinţi); Com. Bistreţ; Com. Cârcea; Sat Cleanov, Com. Carpen; Com. Drănic, Sat Padea; Com. Gherceşti, Sat Gârleşti; Com. Leu, Sat Leu Mic; Com. Leu; Com Podari, Sat Gura Văii; Com. Rast; Com. Robăneşti, Sat Bojoiu; Com. Şimnicu de Jos; Com. Verbiţa, Sat Verbicioara. 1; Com. Verbiţa, Sat Verbicioara. 2 (Judeţ Dolj); Com. Dobrosloveni, Sat Reşca; (Judeţ Olt); Com. Schela, Sat Gornăcel; Com. Slivileşti, Sat Sura; (Judeţ Gorj), Marița, com. Vaideeni (Județ Vâlcea).

Cultura Cârcea: Com. Daneţi, Sat Locusteni. 1; Com. Robăneşti, Sat Lăcriţa Mică; (Judeţ Dolj); Com. Grădinile. 1; Com. Grădinile. 2; Com. Vlădila. 1; Com. Vlădila 2; (Judeţ Olt);

Cultura Dudeşti: Sat Almăj; Com. Cârcea; Com. Cleanov; Com. Drănic, Sat Padea; Sat Gârleşti, Com. Gherceşti; Com. Leu, Sat Leu Mic. 1; Com. Leu. 2; Com Podari, Sat Gura Văii; Com. Robăneşti, Sat Bojoiu; Sat Şimnicu de Sus, Com. Şimnic; Sat Verbicioara, Com. Verbiţa (Judeţ Dolj); Cartier Celei, oraş Corabia; Com. Dobrosloveni; Com. Dobrosloveni, Sat Reşca; Com. Fărcaşele 1; Com. Fărcaşele 2; Sat Fărcașu de Sus, Com. Fărcaşele; Com. Fărcaşele, Sat Hotărani; Com. Ipotesti; Oraş Drăgăneşti-Olt; Sat Frăsinetul de Pădure, Com. Frăsinet; Oraş Slatina; Com. Vădastra (Judeţ Olt); Cartier Copăcelu, Mun. Râmnicu-Vâlcea (Județ Vâlcea)

Cultura Vădastra: Comuna Bratovoieşti; Sat Padea, Com. Drănic; Com. Şimnicu de Sus; Com. Dudoviceşti; (Judeţ Dolj); Com. Brastavăţu, Sat Cruşovu.2; Oraş Caracal; Com. Dăneasa, Sat Zănoaga; Com. Dobrosloveni; Com. Fărcaşele 1; Com. Fărcaşele 2; Com. Fărcaşele, Sat Hotărani 1; Com. Fărcaşele, Sat Hotărani 2; Sat Frăsinetul de Pădure, Com. Dobrosloveni; Com. Găneasa; Com. Ipoteşti. 1; Com. Ipoteşti. 2; Com. Ipoteşti. 3; Com. Orlea; Sat Poganu, Com. Verguleasa; Sat Reşca. 1, Com. Dobrosloveni; Sat Reşca. 2, Com. Dobrosloveni; Sat Reşca. 3, Com. Dobrosloveni; Com. Studina. 1; Com. Studina. 2; Com. Valea Mare, Sat Recea; Com. Vădastra 1; Com. Vădastra 2; Com. Vădastra 3; Com. Vlădila. 1; Com. Vlădila. 2; Com. Vlădila. 3; Oraş Caracal; Oraş Corabia. Cartier Celei; Oraş Drăgăneşti-Olt. 1; Oraş Drăgăneşti-Olt. 2; Oraş Piatra Olt, Sat Criva de Sus; Oraş Piatra Olt, Sat Piatra. 1; Oraş Piatra Olt, Sat Piatra. 2; Oraş Potcoava, Sat Sineşti; Oraş Slatina 1; Oraş Slatina. 2; Oraş Slatina. 3; Oraş Slatina. 4; Oraş Slatina. 5; Oraş Slatina, Sat Cireaşov; (Judeţ Olt);

Cultura Boian: Sat Căciuleşti, Com. Dobreşti (Judeţ Dolj); Com. Dăneasa; Com. Dobrosloveni. 1; Com. Dobrosloveni. 2; Com. Dobrosloveni, Sat Reşca; Com. Fărcaşele, Sat Fărcaşu de Sus; Sat Hotărani, Com. Fărcaşele; Com. Ipoteşti; Com. Mărunţei; Com. Milcov, Sat Ulmi; Com. Milcov, Sat Stejaru; Com. Sprâncenata; Oraş Piatra Olt, Sat Piatra. 1; Oraş Piatra Olt, Sat Piatra. 2; Oraș Slatina; Com. Vădastra (Judeţ Olt); Oraş Râmnicu Vâlcea; (Judeţ Vâlcea).

Cultura Gumelniţa: Com. Bistreţ; Com. Cârcea; Com. Dobreşti; (Judeţ Dolj); Com. Crâmpoaia; Com. Dăneasa; Com. Dobrosloveni, Sat Reşca; Com. Fărcaşele, Sat Fărcaşu de Sus; Com. Mărunţei, Sat Bălăneşti; Com. Spineni, Sat Profa; Stoicănești, Com. Stoicănești; Sat Ulmii, Com. Milcov; Oraş Drăgăneşti-Olt (Judeţ Olt);

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